Everyday is unique
Everyday is unique for us, we consider the venue and room layout when preparing for the day. But main thing of course is the people on the training that make each day different.
We recognise for some people, training can make them a little nervous and so we always try and put everyone at ease by encouraging participation in a way that suits them and explaining the training day at the start which helps everyone relax and the training more successful and rewarding.
Quality resources
We use a wide range of resources and exercises to aid learning and discussion of the topics being covered, we also use presentations to cover the key points and these are available by email after the training. However face to face training has biggest benefit of being able to learn from each other with friendly discussion of complex topics.
Feedback and Certificates
We always ask for feedback at the end of our courses, and use this to continually refine and develop our courses, we also continually update our courses with recent relevant case studies and events making the news.
All attendees receive a high quality certificate of attendance after completing one of our training days, these are posted to the organisation to distribute.