Management and Leadership Courses
Our management and leadership courses focus on aspects useful in the work place for team leaders, managers and inspiring leadership at all levels
Training the Trainer Course (Level 3)
This training course provides people who have a keen and enthusiastic interest in facilitating training courses with the skills and knowledge required to successfully plan, deliver and assess competency in a course of learning in subjects relevant to your sector. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Belbin Team Roles - Team Building Training
In the 1970s, Dr Meredith Belbin and his research team at Henley Management College set about observing teams. The research revealed that the difference between success and failure for a team was not dependent on factors such as intellect, but more on behaviour. This session will help each member of the team understand their own Team Role, how their team sees them and what each individual’s strengths and weaknesses are.