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Safety and Protection of Children and Young People Courses

Safety is everyone's top priorty when it comes to caring for children and young people.  These courses help organisations or foster carers  keep abreast of the latest threats such as online threats, bullying, radicalisation and practical ways of protecting people from such threats.

Safeguarding Children and Young People Training Course (Level 3)

Accredited training course is designed for professionals working with children and young people who need to be able to recognise types, actions and indicators of abuse, how to consider the vulnerability of children and young people, ways of providing support and how to record and report all suspicions, allegations and disclosures of abuse. This is an accredited course.

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Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Training (Level 3)

This training course provides a good insight into what Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) is, how to recognise risk associated with online activity, consider how young people can be vulnerable and know how to implement safeguards and best support strategies.

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Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Training Course (Level 3)

This training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people who may be vulnerable to Child Sexual Exploitation and need to learn about what grooming and exploitation is, vulnerable situations, relevant legislation and regulations (including the Children's Homes Regulations 2015) and the Prevent Duty. This is a Level 3 accredited course.

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Working with Sexually Abused Children and Young People Training Course (Level 3)

This training course focuses on the specific support needs of children and young people who have been sexually abused or witnessed sexual abuse. This training course confirms what is meant by child sexual abuse, behaviours which constitute child sexual abuse, the impact which this can have on children and young people emotionally and behaviourally and ways of providing specific support and safeguards.

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Recognising and Responding to Bullying Training Course (Level 3)

This training course is designed for professionals who work with vulnerable children and need to know more about what bullying is, the impact of bullying, the ways in which bullying happens, influencing factors which can lead to bullying behaviours and ways of supporting both bullies and bullied children.

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The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Young People Training Course (Level 3)

This training course focuses on the effects which experiencing or witnessing domestic violence may have on children and young people and suggests ways to provide support.

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Recognising and Responding to Concerns of Radicalisation Training Course (Level 3)

This training course confirms what radicalisation is and how vulnerable people are influenced using different factors and ideologies and describes the different theories and models of radicalisation. This training course also confirms the meaning and purpose of the Prevent Duty and Channel Programme and clarifies the requirements which this places on support organisations in order to comply with the statutory requirements of the local authority. This is a Level 3 accredited course.

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Substance Misuse Training Course (Level 3)

Accredited training course designed for professionals who work with children and young people (and adults) who are vulnerable to the influences of drug, substance and alcohol abuse and considers substance types, uses and effects, the legal framework, causes and influences of substance misuse and abuse and the cycle of change. This is a Level 3 accredited course.

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Self Harm Training Course (Level 3)

Accredited training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people who self-harm or are vulnerable to the risks of self-harming. This is a Level 3 accredited course.

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Appropriate Adult Duties and Responsibilities Training Course (Custody Setting)

Accredited training course designed for professionals who work with children and young people who need to know how to represent a vulnerable child, young person or vulnerable as an appropriate adult in a custody (police station) setting, the duties involves, rights and responsibilities and professional boundaries.

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Planning and Supervising Contact Visits Training Course (Level 3)

This training course is designed for professionals who take part in planning and supervising contact visits with children in care and considers the purpose of contact visits, types of contact, preparation needs, the emotional impact of contact and information which needs to be documented and recorded by the supervising person. This is a Level 3 accredited course.

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Safer Recruitment and Selection in Children and Young People's Services Training Course (Level 3)

Accredited training course designed for professionals who work in children and young people services and have responsibilities for the safe recruitment, selection and induction of staff members and need to know more about recruitment safeguarding requirements, the recruitment processes, UK employment legislation, 'Right to Work' employer requirements following the UK's exit from the European Union and Children's Homes Regulations (2015) requirements. This is a Level 3 accredited course.

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Children, Young People and Mental Health Training Course (Level 3)

This Children, Young People and Mental Health training course specifically focuses on mental health and mental ill health in children and young people, states types of mental health conditions and challenges, influencing factors, indicators which may raise concern about a child's mental health and considers ways of promoting mentally healthy environments and promoting positive relationships.

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Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and County Lines Training Course (Level 3)

This training course explains what is meant by the terms 'child criminal exploitation (CCE) and 'county lines' considers reasons why children may become involved, how CCE and county lines networks operate and what support professionals need to do if they have concerns about a child.

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Sexualised Behaviour Training Course (Level 3)

Accredited training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people who present sexualised behaviours and considers the meaning of sexualised behaviour, possible causes and influences of behaviour, types of sexualised behaviours, attachment related challenges and ways of providing support and signposting. This is a Level 3 accredited course.

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Contextual Safeguarding and Extra-Familial Harm (Level 3)

Accredited training course is designed for professionals who are working with vulnerable children and young people who are at risk of harm through contextual safeguarding concerns and extra-familial harm and who need to learn more about how to recognise and respond to this.

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Incident Debriefing Facilitator Training Course

Accredited training course for professionals who work with vulnerable children and young people (and adults) who want to develop their skills and knowledge in facilitating incident debriefing sessions with colleagues who have been involved with challenging situations and understand the meaning of post incident support and post incident learning.

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Global Developmental Delay (GDD) and Self-Regulatory Behaviour

Accredited training course designed for professionals who work with children, young people and adults and need to gain more knowledge of what Global Developmental Delay (GDD) and Self-Regulatory Behaviour is, from an individual and collective perspective.

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