Mental Health Courses
Our mental health training courses deal with the practical day to day aspects of dealing with mental health issues. Ideal for people working in social care and for foster agencies.
Promoting Mental Health In The Workplace (Level 3)
Accredited training course providing a good understand of what mental health and mental ill health is, different types of mental health conditions, considerations to the working environment, possible indicators of mental health challenges and ways of supporting and signposting.
Self Harm Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people who self-harm or are vulnerable to the risks of self-harming. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Managing Mental Health at Work Training Course (Level 3)
Challenges with mental health is now the biggest reason for staff absence from work and the impact which this can have is often underestimated. This training course is designed for managers and/or team leaders who have responsibility for managing teams and individuals who need to know more about how to ensure positive mental well-being and suitable support is being promoted within the workplace.
Children, Young People and Mental Health Training Course (Level 3)
This Children, Young People and Mental Health training course specifically focuses on mental health and mental ill health in children and young people, states types of mental health conditions and challenges, influencing factors, indicators which may raise concern about a child's mental health and considers ways of promoting mentally healthy environments and promoting positive relationships.
Working with Sexually Abused Children and Young People Training Course (Level 3)
This training course focuses on the specific support needs of children and young people who have been sexually abused or witnessed sexual abuse. This training course confirms what is meant by child sexual abuse, behaviours which constitute child sexual abuse, the impact which this can have on children and young people emotionally and behaviourally and ways of providing specific support and safeguards.
Sexualised Behaviour Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people who present sexualised behaviours and considers the meaning of sexualised behaviour, possible causes and influences of behaviour, types of sexualised behaviours, attachment related challenges and ways of providing support and signposting. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Incident Debriefing Facilitator Training Course
Accredited training course for professionals who work with vulnerable children and young people (and adults) who want to develop their skills and knowledge in facilitating incident debriefing sessions with colleagues who have been involved with challenging situations and understand the meaning of post incident support and post incident learning.
Understanding the Mental Capacity Act (2005)
This training course is specifically designed for professionals who work young people aged 16 and over. This training course will explain what the Mental Capacity Act is and how it relates to and informs work practices and procedures.
Global Developmental Delay (GDD) and Self-Regulatory Behaviour
Accredited training course designed for professionals who work with children, young people and adults and need to gain more knowledge of what Global Developmental Delay (GDD) and Self-Regulatory Behaviour is, from an individual and collective perspective.