Social Care Courses
Our social care courses are designed to help your staff do the best they can in the workplace, and also provide a safe and positive environment for everyone. Course such as Incident debreifing, data protection, equality and diversity and medication administration all help people do their jobs more safely.
Data Protection, GDPR and Data Sharing Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited course focuses on the legal requirements of the Data Protection Act (2018) , GDPR and Data Sharing from the specific perspective of working with children and within children and young people's services.
Incident Debriefing Facilitator Training Course
Accredited training course for professionals who work with vulnerable children and young people (and adults) who want to develop their skills and knowledge in facilitating incident debriefing sessions with colleagues who have been involved with challenging situations and understand the meaning of post incident support and post incident learning.
Autism Spectrum Conditions Training Course (Level 3)
This training course provides a good understanding of autism, explores the challenges associated with autism and way of providing individual support and promoting autism aware environments. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Appropriate Adult Duties and Responsibilities Training Course (Custody Setting)
Accredited training course designed for professionals who work with children and young people who need to know how to represent a vulnerable child, young person or vulnerable as an appropriate adult in a custody (police station) setting, the duties involves, rights and responsibilities and professional boundaries.
Lone Working Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited training course designed for professionals who work with children and young people (and vulnerable young adults) in a role which includes lone working situations and tasks and who need to learn more about what lone working means, to recognise lone working tasks and environments, reasons why vulnerability and risk can be increased and ways of reducing risk by staying traceable and accountable at all times. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Safer Recruitment and Selection in Children and Young People's Services Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited training course designed for professionals who work in children and young people services and have responsibilities for the safe recruitment, selection and induction of staff members and need to know more about recruitment safeguarding requirements, the recruitment processes, UK employment legislation, 'Right to Work' employer requirements following the UK's exit from the European Union and Children's Homes Regulations (2015) requirements. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Training the Trainer Course (Level 3)
This training course provides people who have a keen and enthusiastic interest in facilitating training courses with the skills and knowledge required to successfully plan, deliver and assess competency in a course of learning in subjects relevant to your sector. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Food Safety in Children and Young People Services (Level 3)
This training course is designed for people who work in children and young people services and considers how food safety standards related specifically to this role, the working environments and the requirements set out by law, regulations (Children's Homes Regulations (2015)) and Ofsted.
Health and Safety in Children and Young People Services Training Course (Level 3)
This is an accredited level 3 training course which is specifically designed for people who work in children and young people's services and need to know how the law, regulations and health and safety practices applies to the sector.
Planning and Supervising Contact Visits Training Course (Level 3)
This training course is designed for professionals who take part in planning and supervising contact visits with children in care and considers the purpose of contact visits, types of contact, preparation needs, the emotional impact of contact and information which needs to be documented and recorded by the supervising person. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Safeguarding Children and Young People Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited training course is designed for professionals working with children and young people who need to be able to recognise types, actions and indicators of abuse, how to consider the vulnerability of children and young people, ways of providing support and how to record and report all suspicions, allegations and disclosures of abuse. This is an accredited course.
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Training Course (Level 3)
This training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people who may be vulnerable to Child Sexual Exploitation and need to learn about what grooming and exploitation is, vulnerable situations, relevant legislation and regulations (including the Children's Homes Regulations 2015) and the Prevent Duty. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Safe Care and Dealing with Allegations Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people and need to develop their knowledge of how to provide safe care, support and deal with allegations made by a child or young person. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Recognising and Responding to Bullying Training Course (Level 3)
This training course is designed for professionals who work with vulnerable children and need to know more about what bullying is, the impact of bullying, the ways in which bullying happens, influencing factors which can lead to bullying behaviours and ways of supporting both bullies and bullied children.
Children, Young People and Mental Health Training Course (Level 3)
This Children, Young People and Mental Health training course specifically focuses on mental health and mental ill health in children and young people, states types of mental health conditions and challenges, influencing factors, indicators which may raise concern about a child's mental health and considers ways of promoting mentally healthy environments and promoting positive relationships.
Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and County Lines Training Course (Level 3)
This training course explains what is meant by the terms 'child criminal exploitation (CCE) and 'county lines' considers reasons why children may become involved, how CCE and county lines networks operate and what support professionals need to do if they have concerns about a child.
Working with Sexually Abused Children and Young People Training Course (Level 3)
This training course focuses on the specific support needs of children and young people who have been sexually abused or witnessed sexual abuse. This training course confirms what is meant by child sexual abuse, behaviours which constitute child sexual abuse, the impact which this can have on children and young people emotionally and behaviourally and ways of providing specific support and safeguards.
Sexualised Behaviour Training Course (Level 3)
Accredited training course is designed for professionals who work with children and young people who present sexualised behaviours and considers the meaning of sexualised behaviour, possible causes and influences of behaviour, types of sexualised behaviours, attachment related challenges and ways of providing support and signposting. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Training Course (Level 3)
This training course is designed for people who provide support to children, young people and adults with a diagnosis of ADHD (or those considering pursuing a diagnosis) and who need to learn more about what ADHD is, the different types, characteristics and ways of providing support. This is a Level 3 accredited course.
Moving and Handling (Manual Handling) in Children's Services Training
This training course is specifically designed for professionals who work in the children and young people services and need to have specific knowledge of how to physically support those who need it in a professional and supportive manner.
Belbin Team Roles - Team Building Training
In the 1970s, Dr Meredith Belbin and his research team at Henley Management College set about observing teams. The research revealed that the difference between success and failure for a team was not dependent on factors such as intellect, but more on behaviour. This session will help each member of the team understand their own Team Role, how their team sees them and what each individual’s strengths and weaknesses are.
Understanding the Mental Capacity Act (2005)
This training course is specifically designed for professionals who work young people aged 16 and over. This training course will explain what the Mental Capacity Act is and how it relates to and informs work practices and procedures.