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Focus on Child Protection

Safeguarding and child protection has been in the news a lot lately for all the wrong reasons.   Safeguarding and Child Protection covers a broad range of areas from bullying to abuse and exploitation.    It is important for all organisations to review their training and procedures to ensure that we are all learning from these tragic events.

Ringway Training has a number of courses that come under the child protection and safeguarding umbrella these include:

Safeguarding Children and Young People

This training course focuses on the importance of safeguarding children and young people, identifying with actions and indicators of abuse and knowing what to do if abuse is suspected or disclosed.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

This training course focuses on how support teams understand child sexual exploitation, how young people can be exploited and actions to take during allegations or suspicion of sexual exploitation.

Appointed and Appropriate Person

This training course provides people who act as an appointed or appropriate person on behalf of a young person, for example, attending a police station, with the facts and knowledge which they need to be able to complete the task effectively.

For a full list of courses related to child protection please see the PDF download below


To discuss your needs further or to book one or a combination of these courses please get in touch by email or on 01625 520434


Created On 10/08/2017 00:00:00 by Ringway Training

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