Safeguarding everybody…the rewards and challenges of supporting looked after children and young people and protecting support teams
Providing support to children who are being looked after can be a very rewarding experience and to know that you have played a part in their development is very satisfying, but at the same time of course, there are many challenges.
Whilst it is essential that children and young people are protected, support teams also need to know how to protect themselves so that they can provide the best support which they can. There are many different things which support teams can find challenging. We ask our customers their thoughts and the kind of things which they tell us are...
- I have been asked to act as an appropriate person with a young person at the police station and I don’t know what the role includes or what I could be asked to do.
- I will be taking a young person on a contact visit to their parents and I am not sure of the procedures which I have to follow, or how a contact visit should be planned.
- I work with young people who I am told have attachment ‘issues’ but I don’t know very much about what that means or how it effects people.
- Bullying is a big worry for our young people and I need to know more about why bullying happens and how it can affect people.
- My teams have all completed specialist safeguarding training but I would like my teams to know more about the impact of allegations, how to deal with allegations and how allegations can have an impact on a team which needs to remain professional.
- I support young people who have experienced drug and alcohol abuse issues and I don’t know if that changes the way I need to support them.
We provide training courses and workshops which focus on these important issues which ensure that teams have the knowledge and skill they need in their role including;
Safeguarding Children and Young People
This training course focuses on the importance of safeguarding children and young people, identifying with actions and indicators of abuse and knowing what to do if abuse is suspected or disclosed.
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
This training course focuses on how support teams understand child sexual exploitation, how young people can be exploited and actions to take during allegations or suspicion of sexual exploitation.
Appointed and Appropriate Person
This training course provides people who act as an appointed or appropriate person on behalf of a young person, for example, attending a police station, with the knowledge which they need to be able to complete the task effectively.
Attachment, Separation and Loss for Children and Young People
This training course considers the impact of attachment, separation and loss for children and young people, the different styles and theories of attachment, possible causes of reactive attachment, separation and loss and ways of encouraging resilience and a positive self-image.
This training course discusses the impact of bullying on children and young people, the different types of vulnerable young people, types of bullies, bullying tactics used and practical ideas to deal with bullying and prevent it from occurring.
Contact and Looked After Children
This training course focuses on the role of supporting a child or young person during contact sessions with family or carers, taking into account the emotional impact for all involved and the possible effects which experiencing contact can cause children and young people to experience.
Dealing with Allegations
This training course provides people with a clear understanding of allegations and the impact which these can have on individuals and team members. The course considers the way in which allegations are dealt with and managed.
Supporting Sexually Abused Children and Young People
This training course focuses on the delicate and specific support needs of children and young people who have been the victim of sexual abuse, considering the effects of this type of abuse, challenges which a young person may experience as a result and ways of providing support.
Sexuality and Sexual Health
This training course focuses on the sexual developmental stages of young people, the ways in which they may experience and deal with issues relating to sexuality and sexual health, and ways of providing support and signposting.
Drug, Substance and Alcohol Abuse
This training course discusses the issues around drug, substance and alcohol abuse, the reason why young people may become involved in this, the different types of substances and their effects. The course identifies what the law says about substance misuse and considers ways to try to keep young people safe and support people who have been substance abusers as they go through the ‘cycle of change’.
Click here for further details about all of these training courses and others and if you would like to talk about creating a training package especially for your own teams, please contact us.
Created On 02/09/2017 00:00:00 by Ringway Training