Dealing with Incidences when a Child Goes Missing from Care
This training course considers what is meant by the term ‘missing from care’, considers the different ‘opportunities’ when young people may be more likely to go missing, the reasons why and states the procedure which all organisations need to follow for dealing with this situation.
The course considers how organisations must ensure confidentiality and data protection is maintained and how to deal with issues including working with the police and dealing with enquiries from the press. The course also considers the process for planning when a young person is found and will be returning to their care and how the role of an ‘appropriate adult’ may relate to cases of missing children and young people. By the end of this training course learners will be able to;
- Define the meaning of key terms including 'missing' and 'unauthorised absence'
- Confirm the principles which all organisations must adopt in relation to identifying and locating children who go missing
- Discuss the different reasons why children and young people may go missing from care
- Discuss the different opportunities when children and young people may go missing from care (within the home, external activities, during contact etc.)
- Consider how incidences of a missing child or young person can impact on families and support teams
- Confirm the process for responding to an incident (including risk assessment requirements and the National Missing Person’s Helpline)
- Confirm the process which must be followed with informing the press about missing children and young people
- State the requirements for data protection, confidentiality and information recording
- Consider the process for planning for when a missing child or young person is located and their return
- Confirm the meaning of the role of an appropriate adult and how this can relate to missing children and young people once they are located
This training course is designed to meet the needs of people who provide care, support and education to children and young people who are being looked after and need to know the procedure to follow if a child or young person goes missing from care.
Click here for further details about this training course and to contact us.
Created On 05/10/2018 00:00:00 by Ringway Training